Award ceremony for the first Baden-Württemberg #innovation award for tourism at #cmt2024 in Stuttgart: Hector Training project is one of three award-winning projects 🏆![]()
The nomination alone has brought a lot of attention to #industrialheritage and the necessary tourism qualification. ![]()
Now we hope that many young people will acquire the necessary knowledge through Hector Training - free of charge, created by professionals and aimed at international guests.![]()
Thanks to our project advisor Tanja Seegelke from HeilbronnerLand and Kultur und Arbeit e. V. board member Dr Johanna Leissner for their support.
A jury of experts from the Tourism Association of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) nominated our project "HECTOR – Industrial Heritage as Key Competencies for Tourism Operators" for the Tourism Innovation Award 2024 🏆![]()
As one of four nominated projects, HECTOR prevailed against a total of 27 competing projects. The winner will be announced on 24 January at the CMT tourism trade fair in Stuttgart. ![]()
We are very happy with all our European HECTOR colleagues and very excited! 🙂
2019-2022: HECTOR – Kultur und Arbeit e.V.
2019–2022: HECTOR HECTOR – Schlüsselkompetenzen für den Tourismus der Industriekultur Das Projekt HECTOR zielte darauf ab, die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit junger Europäer*innen (18-30 Jahre) mit ...
HECTOR Summer School has finished a while ago and here is the summary of such an amazing week! 😊 ![]()
However this is not the end, HECTOR project comes from the idea of making more and more concrete steps towards the development of Industrial Tourism, involving young people from all over Europe in the process.
For this reason, the partnership's intention is to keep up the efforts and try to involve participants in events and new projects. ![]()
🔵 Furthermore, HECTOR online course will stay online for the next five years and anyone can take advantage of this wonderful possibility and discover more about industrial heritage tourism, also earning a final certificate.
👉 👈
The Summer School is unfortunately over. It was really nice to meet such good friends and have you here in Abbadia San Salvatore
🇦🇹🇧🇪🇧🇬🇩🇪🇬🇷🇮🇹🇳🇱🇷🇺🇪🇸🇸🇮🇷🇸 ![]()
The path towards a better integration of cultural heritage, tourism and industrial archeology is still long, but thanks to you and the great job of Giulia Fabbrini a step forward has been made.![]()
We hope that local communities as well can understand and exploit this opportunity. When united, we are much more valuable. ![]()
We are going to miss you all!
Photos from TrattoPunto's post
Giulia Fabbrini, #hectortraining project manager, was interviewed by Amiatanews, a local news channel
Day 1 at #HectorSummerSchool 🌞⚒
The students presented their early work.![]()
Then they visited the #abbadiasansalvatore mine.![]()
A detailed visit to learn about and critically discuss the managerial mechanisms behind a site of industrial archaeology
"Young people from 9 European countries gathered in #abbadiasansalvatore on Monday to begin an important training course. At the town hall they were given a welcome greeting and delivered the course materials. ![]()
At the end of this week they will be able to boast of having completed the course to become experts in industrial archaeology. ![]()
Our mining site rightfully enters among the most important examples of industrial archaeology in Europe. ![]()
The administration thanks the Unione dei Comuni Amiata Val d'Orcia and the Consorzio Terre di Toscana for their hard work over the past few months."
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
"Under Lights" - the first night event of #hectorsummerschool ✨![]()
Light show, music and tasting of typical products
Here we are, finally!
On 12 September our Summer School will start 😎![]()
We are looking forward to seeing you in #abbadiasansalvatore - Tuscany - Italy
Have you not managed to finish the Online Course in time?
Don't worry! 🙂 Some places for the Summer School are still available.![]()
There's only a few of them, so... hurry up!
🔴 You have time until Sunday 7 August to take the final test and upload the case study + your CV
72 hours and the possibility to finish the course and enrol for the Summer School is over…Hurry up!
Have an industrial site inside a village like Abbadia San Salvatore links to have a strong connection between the mine and the local community.
Awarding of the European Union’s “European Heritage Label” to Minas de Almadén and its Mining Park. The Almadén Mines and its mining Park are recognised as European Label 2021, thus becoming the only place in Spain that is both World Heritage and European Heritage Label.
A mine inside a village is not so common. This is one of the most important features in Abbadia San Salvatore.
Giulia and the motivation that rises Hector Project as a project of european value.
During summer a massive event will take part in Tuscany, but it's important to know who can partecipate.
Hector partership finally met up again! We are in Kortrijk, Belgium to discuss the final details of the project and to visit more European industrial heritage sites. It's a pleasure to see each other once more.
Searching for participants!![]()
HECTOR is an innovative project created by partners from seven European countries that aims at increasing employment in the field of tourism by teaching how to become tour operators specialised in industrial heritage.
The project wants to highlight the key role that industrial heritage can have in sustainable tourism development strategies and provide young Europeans with the necessary skills to make it an employment opportunity.
We are searching for participants from all over the EU that are between 18 and 35 years old.
How to participate:
Step 1: enrol on HECTOR’s online platform
Step 2: complete the free online course and take the final tests to earn a first certificate before July, 15th 2022
Step 3: participate in HECTOR summer school, a week-long residential course taking place in September 2022, in the Mine Museum Park of Abbadia San Salvatore, an evocative location in Tuscany, Italy.
The costs will mostly be covered by the project and every participant will be awarded a second certificate.![]()
Contact us:
#erasmus #european #tourism #heritage #opportunity #training #project #employment
Do you need more information about our summer school?![]()
Read the post and come with us: you have time until 15th July!
First free European webinar on industrial heritage on May 14th.![]()
At present, we have lectures from eighth countries, while already participants from 17 European countries have registered. This we can call a success. ![]()
The programme and the link to register is now on our website at:
- English version :
- French version :
After two years of COVID, it seems necessary to us to have a discussion between associations and volunteers about the experiences and approaches of industrial and technical heritage in Europe, to exchange ideas. ![]()
However, for various reasons, a physical meeting does not yet seem feasible. That is why EFAITH, the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage, is organising a first free virtual meeting via Zoom on Saturday 14 May. Individuals and organisations can then present a project or their experiences from past COVID years. ![]()
Presentations may last 20 minutes and are followed by online questions and discussion. Presentations can use PowerPoint and may be made in English or French. More information is available on our website, see 👇