U.C.A.V.O. – Unione dei Comuni Amiata Val d’Orcia (Project coordinator)

The Union of Municipalities Amiata Val d’Orcia is a local public body consisting of the municipalities of Abbadia S. Salvatore, Castiglione d’Orcia, Piancastagnaio, Radicofani and San Quirico d’Orcia in the south of Siena province. The Union promotes socio-economic development, the protection and promotion of its territory and the environment. It is the owner of the associated ‘museum’ service which also includes the Mining Museum Park, an industrial tourism site dedicated to the mercury mines that have for long characterised the Amiata mountain.

MAYASA (Minas de Almadén Y Arrayanes S.A.,s.m.e.)

MAYASA is a state-owned company, heir to the mercury mining in Almadén.

Its main line of activity is the Mercury Technological Centre, where it is conducting research about environmental issues related to decontamination and safe storage of mercury.

Other line of activity is the dehesa de Castilseras, an estate intended primarily for livestock production , hunting and ecotourism.

The last line of activity is the Almadén Mining Park, located within the old Almadén mercury mine premises.

Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre (CUDHg Idrija)

The Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre (CUDHg Idrija) is one of the representatives of the mine’s technical heritage. Alongside Anthony’s Main road and the Hg Smelting Plant, it also manages and maintains Francis’ Shaft, the mine’s specialized geological collection, the mine’s compressor station, and the monumental water barriers known as the Belca, Putrih and Idrija klavže. The Centre conducts research activities on Hg heritage and plans and carries out development projects of importance for preserving mining heritage. CUDHg also cooperates with professional organisations and institutions, scientific research, and educational institutions as well as the interested public, private undertakings, and individuals engaged in the CUDHg Idrija’s field of activity.

Kultur und Arbeit e.V. – Association Culture & Work

Kultur und Arbeit e. V. is a German non-profit, cultural-economic and European-oriented institution with offices in Berlin and Bad Mergentheim. Kultur und Arbeit is a service provider for the creative industries and offers support

  • in the training of cultural workers for the labour market,
  • in the preparation of cultural economic studies,
  • for expert opinions,
  • as an operator of educational and labour market projects with training aspect for the creative industries,
  • as a promoter of cultural economy, creative industries, and cultural tourism.

Current main areas of work:  cultural tourism in rural areas like the EUROPETOUR project, heritage preservation activities like the HERITAGE-PRO project,  encouragement of active citizens’ participation in culture and cultural heritage like the D-CULT project, support for religious tourism like in the SKIVRE project, contributions to regional planning and training for the European cultural labour market.

Technical Museum of Slovenia

The main collections of the Technical Museum of Slovenia, well known for its extensive collections and presentations of technical heritage, are located in the idyllic environment of a former Carthusian monastery, only twenty kilometres from Ljubljana in Bistra near Vrhnika. You will be captivated by Tito’s automobiles, an extensive collection of bicycles, printing and sewing machines, a veneer sawmill, a traction engine, a blacksmith’s workshop, a bear that became the world champion in 1973, an exhibition on more than hundred years of motoring in the territory of Slovenia – and a great deal more worth visiting and exploring.

  • Technical Museum of Slovenia – Trzaska Cesta 02, 3525 1000 Ljubljana – Slovenia

Consorzio Terre di Toscana

The Terre di Toscana Consortium is the consortium of Monte Amiata tour operators. It aims at supporting the economic and tourist development of the territory of the provinces of Siena and Grosseto, in Tuscany. In particular, the Consortium intends to focus its attention mainly in rural and depressed areas. To this end, the Consortium is involved also in the management of commercial activities and services. Beside this, the Consortium organizes also promotional activities for the creation of a synergistic and coordinated system of companies operating in the tourism sector, artistic handicraft, cultural agriculture and services. The Consortium activities mainly refer to the management of the Mining Museum Park of Abbadia San Salvatore and the tourist and incoming promotion for the territory of the provinces of Siena and Grosseto.

European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage

EFAITH, the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage is the European platform promoting contacts and co-operation between volunteers and non-profit volunteer associations researching, saving, interpreting and opening to the public of industrial heritage – as well tangible, intangible, movable, immovable, documentary and digital heritage.

Business Foundation for Education (BFE)

Business Foundation for Education (BFE) is a Bulgarian non-government organization. Its mission is to facilitate the development of the civil society through initiatives that enhance human resource competitiveness and contribute to economic development and prosperity. To achieve its goals the Foundation implements variety of initiatives in the fields of lifelong learning and career guidance, employment and social policy, vocational education and training and youth work.

Association for Interdisciplinary Consulting and Education (E-C-C)

E-C-C focuses on the interdisciplinary approach at personal and vocational coaching and counselling. For more than twelve years, our team of experienced and qualified counsellors, coaches and trainers has been collaborating with European social and psychological institutions, education providers, labour market organisations, and other transnational project coordinators.